Data Types List
Here are the data types with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
oCblacs_moduleInterfaces to BLACS routines
|oCblacs_abortFrees all BLACS contexts and releases all allocated memory
|oCblacs_barrierCalls a barrier
|oCblacs_exitExits blacs communicator
|oCblacs_getGets values that BLACS uses for internal defaults
|oCblacs_gridinfoDelivers information about the grid
|oCblacs_gridinitAssigns available processes into BLACS process grid
|oCblacs_gridmapCreates a customized process grid
|oCblacs_pcoordReturns row and column of a process in the grid
|oCblacs_pinfoReturns the number of processes available for use
|oCblacs_pnumReturns the system process number of the process in the process grid
|oCgebr2dWrapper around type specific ?gebr2d subroutines
|oCgebs2dWrapper around type specific ?gebs2d subroutines
|oCgerv2dWrapper around type specific ?gerv2d subroutines
|oCgesd2dWrapper around type specific ?gesd2d subroutines
|\Cgsum2dWrapper around type specific ?gsum2d subroutines
oCblacsfx_moduleHigh level Fortran wrappers for the BLACS library
|oCblacsfx_gebrWrapper around ?gebr2d for data of rank 0, 1, 2
|oCblacsfx_gebsWrapper around ?gebs2d for data of rank 0, 1, 2
|oCblacsfx_gervWrapper around ?gerv2d for data of rank 0, 1, 2
|oCblacsfx_gesdWrapper around ?gesd2d for data of rank 0, 1, 2
|\Cblacsfx_gsumWrapper around ?gsum2d for data of rank 0, 1, 2
oCblacsgrid_moduleBLACS grid related routines
|\CblacsgridDescriptor for BLACS grids
oClibscalapackfx_moduleExports the functionality of the ScaLAPACKFX library as one module
oClinecomm_moduleContains the linecomm type
|\ClinecommType for communicating a row or a column of a distributed matrix
oCpblas_moduleInterface to PBLAS routines
|oCphemvSymmetric matrix vector product
|oCpherHermitian rank one update
|oCpherkHermitian rank-k update
|oCpsymvSymmetric matrix vector product
|oCpsyrSymmetric rank one update
|\CpsyrkSymmetric rank-k update
oCpblasfx_moduleHigh level Fortran wrappers for the PBLAS library
oCscalapack_moduleWrapper functions for scalapack
|oCdescinitInitializes a descriptor for a distributed array
|oCinfog2lConverts global matrix index into local
|oCnumrocNumber of rows or columns of distributed matrix owned by local process
|oCpheevSolves the Hermitian eigenvalue problem
|oCpheevdSolves the Hermitian eigenvalue problem by divide and conquer algorithm
|oCphegstReduces generalized Hermitian eigenvalue problem to standard form
|oCppotrfCholesky factorization of symmetric/Hermitian positive definite matrix
|oCpsyevSolves the symmetric eigenvalue problem
|oCpsyevdSolves the symmetric eigenvalue problem by divide and conquer algorithm
|oCpsygstReduces generalized symmetric eigenvalue problem to standard form
|oCptrsmLinear system of equation for triangular matrix
|\Csl_initScalapack initialization routine
oCscalapackfx_moduleHigh level Fortran wrappers for the SCALAPACK library
|oCscalafx_creatematrixCreates a distributed matrix and allocates local storage
|oCscalafx_pheevSolves Hermitian eigenvalue problem by the QR algorithm
|oCscalafx_pheevdSolves Hermitian eigenvalue problem by the divide and conquer algorithm
|oCscalafx_phegstReduces Hermitian definite generalized eigenvalue problem to standard form
|oCscalafx_phegvSolves generalized Hermitian eigenvalue problem by the QR algorithm
|oCscalafx_phegvdSolves generalized Hermitian eigenvalue problem by the divide and conquer algorithm
|oCscalafx_ppotrfCholesky factorization of a symmetric/Hermitian positive definite matrix
|oCscalafx_psyevSolves symmetric eigenvalue problem by the QR algorithm
|oCscalafx_psyevdSolves symmetric eigenvalue problem by the divide and conquer algorithm
|oCscalafx_psygstReduces symmetric definite generalized eigenvalue problem to standard form
|oCscalafx_psygvSolves generalized symmetric eigenvalue problem by the QR algorithm
|oCscalafx_psygvdSolves generalized symmetric eigenvalue problem by the divide and conquer algorithm
|\Cscalafx_ptrsmSolves triangular matrix equation
\Cscalapackfx_tools_moduleSome extension routines to the scalapack library making it more usable
 \CblocklistList of the local blocks of a distributed matrix